avery r. young

1 poem, 1 video, 1 artwork


circa 1986



[out wes(t)]



basement was november

compare(d) to de august

in de res(t) of de house 


basement smell(t) like a raccoon

chewin on a banana laffy taffy

inside de furnace

cussin mary’s baby

& erything else


no worry to us


yo mama upstair(s)

wif gospel radio blastin


but i know her heard 

u whisper god


so did de tree(s)


tree(s) always hear a god     

layin on de cool of a basement flo(or)



a letter to when we were alive together blk!


Interdisciplinary artist and educator avery r. young is a 3Arts Awardee and one of four executives for The Floating Museum. His works are featured in several anthologies, periodicals and photographer Cecil McDonald Jr’s In The Company of Black. Young’s latest full length recording tubman. (FPE Records) is the soundtrack to his first collection of poems, neckbone: visual verses (Northwestern University Press).