Jose Hernandez Diaz

1 prose poem

The Fox

I’m a fox in the woods, my name is Harry. I’m writing a novel, it’s called, “The Fox and the Field.” I spend most of my days looking for food. Yes, by food I mean small animals, like rabbits. But there’s more to me than primitive instinct. I also enjoy classical piano, ballet, and a day off reading Pierre Reverdy. I admire passion at all levels. Us foxes get a bad reputation. Sly, sneaky, untrustworthy. I think I’m more like a saint. Sure, I kill rabbits. But God made me to kill rabbits, frankly. The rest is just fulfilling my duty, playing my role. A fox is a hero. So are you.


Jose Hernandez Diaz is a 2017 NEA Poetry Fellow. He is the author of The Fire Eater (Texas Review Press, 2020). His work appears in The American Poetry Review, Bennington Review, Conduit, Crazyhorse, Georgia Review, Huizache, Iowa Review, The Journal, The Missouri Review, Okay Donkey, Poetry, Porter House Review, Southeast Review, The Southern Review, Witness Magazine, The Yale Review, and in The Best American Nonrequired Reading Anthology 2011. He teaches creative writing online and edits for Frontier Poetry.