a score
[00003-AUDIO.mp3: 2pop tone followed by 4
sets of an exhale/inhale routine that gradually
Solarfield Scrim
[00016-AUDIO.wav: rainfall or the white noise
of a boiling pot interspersed with mechanical
chirps, as of bats.]
Breeding Distribution
[00035-AUDIO.mp3: h old]
Land Lock
[00040-AUDIO.wav: rain on the roof, hard.
heavy coastal rain.]
Pipe End
[00043-AUDIO.mp3: the creak of a chair as
someone leans forward to get up, rubbing
flattened palms across knees.]
Plains Anatomy
[00056-AUDIO.wav: drrrrrmmm%%%%%
(as if elsewhere—a hallway?)]
Rain Hinge
(as if there’s a fan pushing it)]
Pipe End
[00058-AUDIO.wav: ping ping thump & ping ping
& thump & ingingtump & gngngtmp ^^shudder]
Water Met
Amaranth Borsuk is the author of the poetry collections Pomegranate Eater (Kore Press) and Handiwork (Slope Editions) as well as three collaborative books of poems. She is associate director of the MFA in Creative Writing and Poetics at the University of Washington, Bothell. amaranthborsuk.com
Terri Witek's newest collection is The Rattle Egg (2021). Recent work has been featured in two new international anthologies: JUDITH: Women Making Visual Poetry (Timglaset, 2021), and in the WAAVe Global Anthology of Women’s Asemic Writing and Visual Poetry (Hysterical Press, 2021). Her many collaborations with artists and writers have been featured in performances, museum shows, and gallery exhibitions. Witek teaches Poetry in the Expanded Field in Stetson University’s MFA of the Americas with Brazilian visual artist Cyriaco Lopes, and their work together is represented by The Liminal in Valencia, Spain. terriwitek.com